How Hackers using AI complicates Cybersecurity

Despite the increasing use of AI as an enabler and disruptive technology for positive change, the voices of caution start to rise. In a recent Harvard Business Review article, the potential cybersecurity risks arising from the increasing use of OpenAI’s ChatGPT are being discussed. The new technology offers hackers new ways to create sophisticated phishing […]

AI Risk Management Framework

Essential to business success and strategic decision making is effective risk identification and monitoring. A new article from Protiviti will address perspectives on establishing and maintaining leading practices in the context of identifying, assessing, mitigating, and monitoring risks arising from artificial intelligence (AI). Specific actions that organizations can take to mitigate risks during the AI lifecycle […]

Digitalization – Changing the Way Internal Audit Works

Technologies offer enormous potential to change and improve working methods. The topic of automating tasks and processes, for example, is also playing an increasingly important role in auditing. Among other things, the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Predictive Analysis (PA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in internal auditing is being discussed. A new study by […]

Coso Framework to help implement and scale Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) changes business strategies, solutions and processes. Not to be neglected at this point are the risks that can come with AI. To create integrated governance for AI, manage risks, and improve performance, applying enterprise risk management (ERM) principles can be purposeful. The COSO ERM Framework provides an overarching and comprehensive framework that […]

Welche Faktoren fördern Vertrauen in Künstliche Intelligenz!? Neue Studie

Während die einen in künstlicher Intelligenz unmäßiges Potenzial sehen, das viele der bestehenden Probleme der Geschäftswelt aus dem Weg räumen könnte, betrachten andere die ihnen nicht geläufige Unterstützung nach wie vor als nicht vertrauenswürdig und versuchen daher, die flächendeckende Einführung Künstlicher Intelligenz zu verhindern. Wie kann dies Vertrauen nun aber aufgebaut werden?! : Bei der […]