In a world grappling with climate change, resource depletion, poverty, and injustice, the need for sustainable solutions has never been more urgent. Yet, the question remains: how can innovation be harnessed to address these pressing challenges responsibly? Enter the realm of „Responsible Design Thinking for Sustainable Development.“ This concept, revitalized by Brian Baldassarre, Giulia Calabretta, Ingo Oswald Karpen, Nancy Bocken, and Erik Jan Hultink in their review paper published on 05 February 2024 in the Journal of Business Ethics, seeks to bridge the gap between rapid innovation and sustainable development.
Historically, design was envisioned as a rational approach to solving the problems of sustainable human development. This notion evolved into what we now know as „design thinking,“ a methodology that emphasizes rapid innovation to stay ahead in competitive markets. However, this approach has predominantly focused on economic impacts, often sidelining the social and environmental consequences of innovation. The authors argue that this oversight is a significant shortfall in the quest for sustainability.
Through a meticulous problematization method, the paper systematically reviews and critically assesses existing literature on design thinking in innovation management. The findings reveal a pronounced emphasis on economic benefits, with scant attention paid to the broader impacts on society and the environment. To address this gap, the authors propose a novel framework for „Responsible Design Thinking.“ This framework integrates responsible innovation theories, steering design thinking beyond mere private interest and competitive advantage. It aims to equip designers and innovators with the tools to consciously tackle sustainable development challenges.
The proposed framework is not just a theoretical construct but a call to action for designers, innovators, and policymakers to rethink the role of design thinking in promoting sustainable development. It emphasizes the importance of considering the environmental, social, and economic impacts of innovation in a balanced manner. By doing so, it seeks to enhance the practical relevance of design thinking and solidify its theoretical foundations for future research.
As the paper sets forth an ambitious agenda for future research, it challenges the academic and professional communities to embrace responsible design thinking as a pathway to sustainable development. This approach has the potential to transform how we innovate, ensuring that our pursuit of progress does not come at the expense of the planet or its inhabitants.
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