The corporate world faced a number of complex challenges last year, including the COVID-19 crisis, new workplace paradigms, extreme climate change, political and economic economic volatility, and urgent calls for racial justice. Despite the expected continued challenges in the current year, the focus of companies must go beyond risk avoidance and compliance. These will, of […]
Schlagwort: Trends
Internal Audit in the insurance industry
The Corona pandemic is contributing to various disruptive changes. Internal auditing is also affected. A recent report by ECIIA, „The impact of recent global trends on internal auditing in the insurance industry“, deals with trends in internal auditing. The focus is on the insurance industry. The report addresses the impact of macro trends, reaffirming the […]
Internal Audit’s Digital Transformation Imperative: Advances Amid Crisis
The ongoing digital transformation could accelerate in internal audit in 2021. That’s according to a new survey called “ Internal Audit’s Digital Transformation Imperative: Advances Amid Crisis“ from AuditBoard and the Institute of Internal Auditors‘ Internal Audit Foundation (IAF). Twenty-two percent of respondents in a survey say they will implement cloud-based technology this year. Overall, […]
Forward-looking innovations: Episode about Tech Trends 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the global economy hard. But at the same time, the fundamental disruption of established ways of working has accelerated numerous digital trends, increased the spread of innovations and made newly developed technologies a reality more quickly. In the coming 18-24 months, groundbreaking trends such as the digitization of strategy development, […]
Tech Trends 2021
In addition to the various challenges in the covid crisis, there is a huch opportunity for digitization. To exploit this opportunity, CIOs and technology-savvy executives play a key role in implementing new approaches strategically. The present shows that companies are already investing in new technologies and business models. The new Deloitte Tech Trends Report shows, […]
Human Capital Trends 2021: Die soziale Organisation während der globalen Krise
Aktuell steht die gesamte Arbeitswelt aufgrund der Krise im Rahmen der COVID-19-Pandemie vor großen Herausforderungen. Um den Veränderungen bestmöglich gerecht werden zu können, müssen Unternehmen ihre Arbeitsweisen verändern und anpassen. Denn gerade in den Zeiten der Krise sollten Unternehmen vom Überlebens-Modus in den Chancen-Modus wechseln. Wie dieser Wandel in den Unternehmen gestaltet wird, untersucht der […]
Ready & Relevant: Was wirklich bei der Prüfung zählt
Das im August erschienene Buch „Ready & Relevant: Prepare to Audit What Matters Most“ von Tim Berichon beinhaltet Strategien, Taktiken und Beispiele, um eine flexiblere, reaktionsschnellere und agilere interne Revision aufzubauen und aufrechtzuerhalten. Dabei geht es um Agilität und Relevanz auf Abteilungsebene. Das Buch ist an Interne Revisionsleiter, Abteilungsleiter und Manager gerichtet, die ihre Teams auf […]