The Institute of Internal Auditors’ (IIA) position paper Relationship of Trust – Building Better Connections Between the Audit Committee and Internal Audit stresses the importance of a trusting and dynamic partnership between internal audit and the audit committee. The IIA calls the relationship between both parties “critical” to good governance and suggests that the “CAE […]
Schlagwort: EY
Prioritizing Environmental, Social and Governance Issues
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are a hotly debated topic globally and across all industries and organizations. The pressure on organizations to address ESG issues continues to grow, making it paramount. Internal audit functions are invaluable to companies and should be more involved in their organization’s ESG efforts. The new report „Prioritizing ESG: Exploring […]
How does digitalization change the role and way of working of internal audit: an exploratory overview
The current crisis has shown that we live in a digital environment, and this trend will intensify in the future. Working in a digital environment will be a normal state in the future. IIA Netherlands, in cooperation with EY, conducted a study on how Internal Audit (IAF) is using digitalization technologies such as Robotic Process […]
Risk Management – from stabilization to transformation
A survey of 120 risk executives from around the world conducted by EY shows that risk teams are still struggling to turn risks into opportunities and manage emerging threats. In comparison, CEOs‘ priorities are increasingly shifting from a survival and stabilization mode back to growth and transformation. To support these growth plans in the future, […]
Digitalization – Changing the Way Internal Audit Works
Technologies offer enormous potential to change and improve working methods. The topic of automating tasks and processes, for example, is also playing an increasingly important role in auditing. Among other things, the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Predictive Analysis (PA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in internal auditing is being discussed. A new study by […]
The risky six
How and why do boards get a distorted picture of their organisations‘ ability to protect themselves against cyber-related risks? This is the question addressed in the report „The Risky Six: Key questions to expose gaps in board understanding of organisational cyber resiliency“ by IIA and EY. They identified a total of 6 key questions which, […]
Das Streben nach höherer Cybersicherheit
„Cyberbedrohungen schnell zu erkennen und auf Vorfälle effektiv zu reagieren, hat bei vielen Unternehmen inzwischen oberste Priorität.“ Jedoch ist es heutzutage kaum möglich, sich vollständig vor solchen zu schützen. Die Angriffe nehmen, auch bedingt durch die COVID-19-Pandemie, weltweit zu und treffen vor allem kleine und mittelständige Unternehmen. 60 Prozent aller Unternehmen waren im vergangenen Jahr, […]
Messung des Stakeholder-Kapitalismus: Weltweit führende Unternehmen ergreifen Maßnahmen zur universellen ESG-Berichterstattung
Auf der Jahrestagung 2020 des World Economic Forums entschieden sich 120 der weltweit größten Unternehmen dazu, sich um die Entwicklung eines gemeinsamen Kernsatz von Kennzahlen und Angaben zu nichtfinanziellen Faktoren für ihre Investoren und andere Interessengruppen zu bemühen. Gut ein halbes Jahr später wurde nun ein Bericht veröffentlicht, der die gemeinsamen Metriken für eine nachhaltige […]