The collection on „Global Perspectives & Insights: Cybersecurity in 2022, Parts 1-3”, published by the Institute of Internal Auditors, discusses different issues within the contemporary evolving cybersecurity landscape. While part 1 focuses on the implications of regulatory changes on cyber reporting by the SEC, part 2 deals with the benefits of symbiotic relationships between Heads […]
Schlagwort: cyber security
Future of Digital Trust
Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity characterize the digital transformation. In this context, digital trust is highly important. As a result, players must address the factors that influence and shape the future of digital trust. Deloitte presents a future foresight approach to this as part of the study „Future of Digital Trust: Driving forces, trends and […]
Organizational cyber maturity
A major issue for companies worldwide is cybersecurity. In a new study, McKinsey assesses the cybersecurity maturity of more than 100 companies and institutions from various industries. It shows that some companies in banking and healthcare are quite advanced, but most companies still have a high need to protect their data from threats and attacks. The […]
Deloitte Cyber Security Report 2021
Cyber security is a key issue in the age of digitalization. For this reason, Deloitte conducted a trend study together with the Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Research. The aim of the Deloitte Cyber Security Report 2021 is to survey players from politics and business and to compare their positions. One result is, for example, […]
Cyber Risk & Internal Audit
An essential topic for companies is cyber security. In this context, companies must take into account that cyber risks are constantly evolving and that the extent of damage can pose an existential threat. This is also of special importance for internal auditors. In the new article „Reining in Cyber Risk: An understanding of technology, third parties, […]
Forward-looking innovations: Episode about Tech Trends 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the global economy hard. But at the same time, the fundamental disruption of established ways of working has accelerated numerous digital trends, increased the spread of innovations and made newly developed technologies a reality more quickly. In the coming 18-24 months, groundbreaking trends such as the digitization of strategy development, […]
Golden rules of cyber security
What do an attack on a chicken coop and a cyber attack have in common? Prof. Dr. Dirk Loomans (Consulting,KPMG) explains in his article, why unusual comparisons provide important insights. The trigger for his reflections was an attack on his chicken coop, which aroused associations with a cyber attack. For him, four important points can […]
Das Streben nach höherer Cybersicherheit
„Cyberbedrohungen schnell zu erkennen und auf Vorfälle effektiv zu reagieren, hat bei vielen Unternehmen inzwischen oberste Priorität.“ Jedoch ist es heutzutage kaum möglich, sich vollständig vor solchen zu schützen. Die Angriffe nehmen, auch bedingt durch die COVID-19-Pandemie, weltweit zu und treffen vor allem kleine und mittelständige Unternehmen. 60 Prozent aller Unternehmen waren im vergangenen Jahr, […]
Alle Mann an Deck: KPMG’s Überlegungen zur Cybersicherheit im Jahr 2020
Die Wirtschaft ist spürbar stetigen Veränderungen unterlegen, wodurch bereits die vierte industrielle Revolution angelaufen ist. Aufbauend auf Daten, die zu einer Art „Lebenselixier“ der Unternehmen geworden sind mit all dem, was sie umgibt und ausmacht, wird die Zukunft durch Verschmelzung neuer Geschäftsmodelle, Technologien sowie dem Aufbau revolutionärer Partnerschaften geschaffen werden. Neben profitablen und dabei fair […]
Flüssige Sicherheit? – Der angestrebte „Cloud-only-Status“ und was ein solches Wolkenszenario mit sich bringt…
Der Wechsel zur Cloud während gleichzeitig die Verantwortung für Infrastruktur und Vermögenswerte vor Ort übernommen werden muss – wie schaffen Security Teams diesen Spagat? Die Erreichung des „Cloud-only-Status“ könnte zu einer Defragmentierung und einer weniger komplexen Landschaft führen, so die Theorie. Doch auch innerhalb eines reinen „Wolkenszenarios“ ergeben sich diverse Probleme: Öffentliche und private Clouds, […]