The corona pandemic turned the standard model of office work on its head. Companies were put into crisis management mode and employees were increasingly working from home. The rapid outbreak of the pandemic accelerated the trend towards teleworking in internal auditing as well. This is the subject of the latest report of the IIA’s Global […]
Schlagwort: Report
Avoiding the blind spot
During the COVID-period, financial resilience and stability are paramount for businesses. Because of the pandemic, many companies have faced difficult decisions about cost savings through budget cuts and layoffs. There were also a number of challenges that internal audit teams faced, such as competing priorities and lack of resources. A report by the Chartered Institute […]
The Three Lines Model – An Important Tool for the Success of Every Organization
Governance has never been more important as organizations face the turbulence of a global pandemic, technological change, increasing economic disparities, geopolitics, globalization, climate change and much more. The governing bodies and management grapple with questions about disrupted work environments, changing markets and lost revenue. The three-line model of the IIA provides timely answers for organizations […]
Internal Audit’s Digital Transformation Imperative 2021
According to a survey by AuditBoard and the Internal Audit Foundation (IAF), the ongoing digital transformation of internal auditing will accelerate rapidly in 2021. 22 % of the 134 surveyed heads of internal audit stated that they will implement cloud-based technologies this year. The report Internal Audit’s Digital Transformation Imperative: Advances amid Crisis highlights how […]
Forward-looking innovations: Episode about Tech Trends 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the global economy hard. But at the same time, the fundamental disruption of established ways of working has accelerated numerous digital trends, increased the spread of innovations and made newly developed technologies a reality more quickly. In the coming 18-24 months, groundbreaking trends such as the digitization of strategy development, […]
Wo steht SOX im Jahr 2020?
Die fünfte jährliche Umfrage der SOX Professionals Group in Zusammenarbeit mit Workiva befasst sich mit dem aktuellen Stand der SOX- und internen Kontrollprozesse in den Unternehmen im Jahr 2020. Dabei wird ebenso auf die wichtigsten Herausforderungen für das kommende Jahr eingegangen. Der Marktbericht stellt fest, dass sich die fortschrittliche Technologie in Bezug auf Compliance schnell […]
7 Warnzeichen für Betrug im Unternehmen
In Organisationen sind einige der häufigsten Arten von Betrug die unbefugte Verwendung von Vermögenswerten, ebenso wie die falsche Darstellung von Abschlüssen. Dies dient häufig der verbesserten Darstellung der Organisationen um wirtschaftlich erfolgreicher zu erscheinen. Laut dem „Report to the Nations 2020“ der Association of Certified Fraud Examiners kann Betrug in jeder Organisation auftreten, unabhängig von […]