Prioritizing Environmental, Social and Governance Issues

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are a hotly debated topic globally and across all industries and organizations. The pressure on organizations to address ESG issues continues to grow, making it paramount. Internal audit functions are invaluable to companies and should be more involved in their organization’s ESG efforts. The new report „Prioritizing ESG: Exploring […]

Using Evolving Technologies to Improve Collaboration

To remain relevant in the current business environment, internal audit must maintain an innovative mindset, challenge and update existing audit methodologies, and leverage emerging technologies such as governance, risk, and control (GRC) to improve business collaboration. The report „Using Evolving Technologies to Improve Collaboration: How GRC Software Can Support Risk Management and Internal Audit“ by […]

The Remote Auditor

What will internal auditing look like in the future? As a result of the pandemic, the definition of „normal operations“ for internal auditing has been redefined in almost all companies around the world. Within internal audit, audit plans were changed, site visits became impossible, and new ways of performing daily tasks were found. Many processes […]


The Institute of Internal Auditors‘ new Chairman of the Board, Charlie T. Wright, and the Internal Audit Foundation jointly present their white paper „Future Ready: Upskilling Today for the Profession of Tomorrow“. This paper combines findings from research and the Internal Audit Foundation’s global study „Assessing Internal Audit Competency.“ In particular, the white paper addresses […]

Assessing Internal Audit Competency

The Internal Audit Foundation and Deloitte released a joint Premier Global Research Study, “Assessing Internal Audit Competency: Minding the Gaps to Maximize Insights.” The two organizations collaborated to complement the launch of The IIA’s Internal Audit Competency Framework. The resulting comprehensive report outlines five key findings that help identify areas where there are gaps in […]

Upskilling Today for the Profession of Tomorrow

As various technologies converge and mature over the next few years, internal auditors must ask themselves how disruptive innovations can transform their organizations, stakeholder expectations, and the profession itself. If the work of internal auditing is to really enrich and protect, the function must be ready to adapt to new risks and the new requirements […]

Powering Audit Committee Outcomes

An independent audit committee is essential for good corporate governance. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution of what the perfect audit committee should look like. This is because the exact structure and objectives of audit committees worldwide are influenced by the type of business, the regulatory environment, the ownership structure and legal requirements. In addition, […]

Use of technology in internal audit in times of Covid

What is the use of technology in the internal audit function in times of pandemic? This is one of the questions answered in the new report „Internal Audit’s Digital Transformation Imperative: Advances Amid Crisis – Analysing the Impact of 2020 on Internal Audit Functions‘ Implementation of Technology“. The Internal Audit Foundation and the AuditBoard jointly […]

Internal Audit’s Digital Transformation Imperative: Advances Amid Crisis

The ongoing digital transformation could accelerate in internal audit in 2021. That’s according to a new survey called “ Internal Audit’s Digital Transformation Imperative: Advances Amid Crisis“ from AuditBoard and the Institute of Internal Auditors‘ Internal Audit Foundation (IAF). Twenty-two percent of respondents in a survey say they will implement cloud-based technology this year. Overall, […]

Moving Internal Audit Deeper Into the Digital Age: Part 3

The third part of the three-part report series, „Moving Internal Audit Deeper into the Digital Age: Part 3, Beyond Theory – Scaling Automation Capabilities in Internal Auditing“ from the Internal Audit Foundation and Deloitte answers the question, „How can internal audit help set up governance architecture around new technologies?“ For effective scaling of analytics and […]

Moving Internal Audit Deeper Into the Digital Age: Part 2

To gain an insight into where various internal audit organizations stand in relation to audit automation and cognitive technologies, the Internal Audit Foundation and Deloitte conducted a survey of IIA members. Based on responses from internal audit leaders across a wide range of organizations, key findings reveal where many organizations are making progress and where […]

Moving Internal Audit Deeper Into the Digital Age: Part 1

The first part of a three-part report series, „Moving Internal Audit Deeper into the Digital Age: Part 1 – A Structured Methodology for Leveraging Automation,“ from the Internal Audit Foundation and Deloitte, explores the impact of robotic process automation (RPA) on internal audit. Part 1 examines how the three types of RPA – probots, knowbots […]

Internal Audit’s Digital Transformation Imperative 2021

According to a survey by AuditBoard and the Internal Audit Foundation (IAF), the ongoing digital transformation of internal auditing will accelerate rapidly in 2021. 22 % of the 134 surveyed heads of internal audit stated that they will implement cloud-based technologies this year. The report Internal Audit’s Digital Transformation Imperative: Advances amid Crisis highlights how […]

Ready & Relevant: Was wirklich bei der Prüfung zählt

Das im August erschienene Buch „Ready & Relevant: Prepare to Audit What Matters Most“ von Tim Berichon beinhaltet Strategien, Taktiken und Beispiele, um eine flexiblere, reaktionsschnellere und agilere interne Revision aufzubauen und aufrechtzuerhalten. Dabei geht es um Agilität und Relevanz auf Abteilungsebene. Das Buch ist an Interne Revisionsleiter, Abteilungsleiter und Manager gerichtet, die ihre Teams auf […]

Interne Revision & Fraud: Umfrageergebnisse

Die neuste Publikation der Internal Audit Foundation gemeinsam mit Kroll veröffentlicht globale Umfrageergebnisse mit der Erkenntnis, dass ein erhöhtes Engagement der IRF zu einem stärkeren und insgesamt robusteren Fraud-Risiko- Management-Programm führen würde. Mit strategischen Analysen und Entscheidungen könnte die IRF demnach eine immer wichtigere Rolle einnehmen. Insgesamt bietet der Bericht die Möglichkeit, auf globaler Ebene […]