Technologies offer enormous potential to change and improve working methods. The topic of automating tasks and processes, for example, is also playing an increasingly important role in auditing. Among other things, the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Predictive Analysis (PA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in internal auditing is being discussed. A new study by […]
Schlagwort: RPA
Use of Robotic Process Automation for audit tasks
Increasingly popular in accounting are bots for automating tasks and processes using robotic process automation (RPA). Bots can also be used by auditors to automate repetitive tasks. However, they often don’t know which tasks to automate. The new study, „A Framework for Using Robotic Process Automation for Audit Tasks,“ by Marc Eulerich, Justin Pawlowski, Nathan […]
Moving Internal Audit Deeper Into the Digital Age: Part 3
The third part of the three-part report series, „Moving Internal Audit Deeper into the Digital Age: Part 3, Beyond Theory – Scaling Automation Capabilities in Internal Auditing“ from the Internal Audit Foundation and Deloitte answers the question, „How can internal audit help set up governance architecture around new technologies?“ For effective scaling of analytics and […]
Moving Internal Audit Deeper Into the Digital Age: Part 2
To gain an insight into where various internal audit organizations stand in relation to audit automation and cognitive technologies, the Internal Audit Foundation and Deloitte conducted a survey of IIA members. Based on responses from internal audit leaders across a wide range of organizations, key findings reveal where many organizations are making progress and where […]
Moving Internal Audit Deeper Into the Digital Age: Part 1
The first part of a three-part report series, „Moving Internal Audit Deeper into the Digital Age: Part 1 – A Structured Methodology for Leveraging Automation,“ from the Internal Audit Foundation and Deloitte, explores the impact of robotic process automation (RPA) on internal audit. Part 1 examines how the three types of RPA – probots, knowbots […]
Time to use RPA in Internal Audit
There are many areas of internal audit where automation using robotic process automation (RPA) and process mining can be used. In Jean-Marie Bequevort, Expert Practice Leader Internal Audit at TriFinance, opinion, two areas are ripe for automation: (1) data download and analysis to identify red flags, and (2) data visualization to support audit interviews. Why […]
Durch den Einsatz von Bots Revisionskapazitäten vervielfachen
In der Internen Revision fallen wie in jeder anderen Abteilung eine Vielzahl an repetitiven Aufgaben an, die wertvolle Arbeitszeit der Revisoren in Anspruch nehmen. Aus dieser Motivation heraus haben eine Vielzahl an Revisionsabteilungen beschlossen, derartige Aufgaben zu automatisieren. So gaben 2019 40% der Teilnehmer an einer Konferenz des IIA an, dass ihre Unternehmen bereits Robotic […]
Robotic Process Automation im Accounting und Auditing
Zu den Innovationen im Zuge der Digitalisierung gehört insbesondere auch der Begriff „Robotic Process Automation“ (RPA). Hierbei geht es darum, Abläufe durch eine virtuelle Arbeitskraft zu unterstützen, die regelbasiert mit unterschiedlichen Systemen agiert, wie es ein Mensch machen würde. Dadurch lassen sich Prozesse automatisieren und beispielsweise Qualität und Produktivität steigern. Schätzungen aus dem Jahr 2018 […]