ecoDa: European Commission Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence proposal risks being counterproductive

The European Confederation of Directors Associations (ecoDa), which represents the interests of approximately 55,000 board members within the EU, has published a position paper on the European Commission’s proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. The aim of this new Directive would be to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behavior along the entire […]

European Commission: Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence

The European Commission has introduced a proposal for a directive on corporate due diligence in the field of sustainability. First, it has completed an impact assessment. The proposed directive will require companies to integrate due diligence into their policies and decision-making identify, prevent, mitigate and minimise actual or potential adverse impacts on human rights and […]

Digitale Transformation – White Paper der europäischen Kommission

Die europäische Kommission stellt innerhalb ihres neusten White Papers Ideen und Aktionen bzgl. einer digitalen Transformation vor, welche das Beste von Europa widerspiegeln soll: Offenheit, Fairness, Demokratie sowie Selbstbewusstsein! Präsentiert wird eine europäische Gesellschaft, welche nicht nur ihren Antrieb aus digitalen Lösungen generiert, sondern auch eine solche, die den Menschen bei der Entwicklung neuer Möglichkeiten […]