The Remote Auditor

What will internal auditing look like in the future? As a result of the pandemic, the definition of „normal operations“ for internal auditing has been redefined in almost all companies around the world. Within internal audit, audit plans were changed, site visits became impossible, and new ways of performing daily tasks were found. Many processes […]


The Institute of Internal Auditors‘ new Chairman of the Board, Charlie T. Wright, and the Internal Audit Foundation jointly present their white paper „Future Ready: Upskilling Today for the Profession of Tomorrow“. This paper combines findings from research and the Internal Audit Foundation’s global study „Assessing Internal Audit Competency.“ In particular, the white paper addresses […]

The Balance between Assurance and Advisory Work

Most internal audit functions spend between 80 and 100 percent of their time doing traditional internal audits, commonly referred to as „assurance work“. Yet, many also do a certain amount of counseling and strive for more. A lot of senior auditors are concerned about how the limited internal audit resources should be allocated across these […]

„The future auditor has arrived“

Zukunftsorientierte Organisationen nutzen Chancen und setzen sich mit Technologien auseinander wie zum Beispiel robotergestützte Prozessautomatisierung (RPA) oder künstliche Intelligenz. Ihr Ziel ist nicht ausschließlich die Steigerung ihrer Gesamteffizienz und Produktivität, sondern auch die Innovation. Die Profile von internen Revisionsfunktionen, die in „Protiviti’s 16. Ausgabe von Internal Auditing Around the World“ aufgeführt sind, zeigen, dass sich Revisionen weltweit […]