In the realm of corporate finance and reputation management, the question of how to effectively repair a company’s image after a financial restatement is a critical one. Lei Dong and Y. Ken Wang address this issue in their study, „Reputation Repair after a Restatement: The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure,“ published in the Journal of Forensic Accounting Research.
The study delves into the impact of financial restatements on a company’s market value and management reputation. It explores whether Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure can serve as a tool to mend the damaged reputation following a restatement. This research is significant as it examines two key aspects of CSR information: the presence of CSR disclosure and the source from which this information is disseminated.
The findings are illuminating. The study indicates that revealing positive CSR activities is indeed an effective strategy for rehabilitating management’s reputation and boosting investment interest. Moreover, the source of CSR disclosure plays a crucial role, with an independent source of information adding incremental benefits in the reputation repair process.
This research is groundbreaking in its approach to understanding the aftermath of financial restatements. While previous studies have largely concentrated on the determinants and consequences of such restatements, Dong and Wang’s work contributes by providing direct experimental evidence on how CSR disclosure can be leveraged as a reputation-restoring mechanism post-restatement. Furthermore, it adds to the limited but growing body of literature that connects CSR disclosure with the perception of management credibility and investment decisions.
For those keen on a deeper understanding of this complex interplay between financial restatements, CSR disclosure, and reputation management, the full article is available in the Journal of Forensic Accounting Research, 2023, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 1-24. Access the full study here.