What will internal auditing look like in the future? As a result of the pandemic, the definition of „normal operations“ for internal auditing has been redefined in almost all companies around the world. Within internal audit, audit plans were changed, site visits became impossible, and new ways of performing daily tasks were found. Many processes […]
Schlagwort: AUDITBOARD
Use of technology in internal audit in times of Covid
What is the use of technology in the internal audit function in times of pandemic? This is one of the questions answered in the new report „Internal Audit’s Digital Transformation Imperative: Advances Amid Crisis – Analysing the Impact of 2020 on Internal Audit Functions‘ Implementation of Technology“. The Internal Audit Foundation and the AuditBoard jointly […]
Internal Audit’s Digital Transformation Imperative 2021
According to a survey by AuditBoard and the Internal Audit Foundation (IAF), the ongoing digital transformation of internal auditing will accelerate rapidly in 2021. 22 % of the 134 surveyed heads of internal audit stated that they will implement cloud-based technologies this year. The report Internal Audit’s Digital Transformation Imperative: Advances amid Crisis highlights how […]
Strategien im Umgang mit COVID-19
Wie können Audit-Teams ihre Organisation während der Pandemie konkret unterstützen, um die Kontinuität des Geschäftsbetriebes und die Sicherheit von Mitarbeitern, Lieferanten und Kunden zu gewährleisten ?! AUDITBOARD veröffentlichte im April ein Whitepaper, welches sich genau mit diesen Fragen beschäftigt: Welche Rolle dabei der Internen Revision sowie den anderen Stufen des Three Lines of Defense-Modells […]