According to a global IT risk and compliance survey 2021 conducted by IT provider MetricStream among global security and risk experts, IT security and compliance are the top technology investment priorities this year. When asked about their plans, 38 percent of respondents said they would increase their IT risk management spending this year. However, the […]
Schlagwort: 2021
The 2021 Audit Management Playbook
Regardless of whether it is an audit team of five, thirty or more people, the biggest challenge for any modern audit leader is to stay relevant and add value to the company. In addition to complying with regulations and reducing costs wherever possible, audit leaders also need to stay abreast of current industry topics and […]
Forward-looking innovations: Episode about Tech Trends 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the global economy hard. But at the same time, the fundamental disruption of established ways of working has accelerated numerous digital trends, increased the spread of innovations and made newly developed technologies a reality more quickly. In the coming 18-24 months, groundbreaking trends such as the digitization of strategy development, […]
Key risk areas 2021
„Sind Sie sich der Risiken bewusst, denen die Interne Revision heute und in der nahen Zukunft ausgesetzt ist?“ Interne Revisionsfunktionen bauen innerhalb von Organisationen weltweit ihre Wirkung und ihren Einfluss aus, indem sie Beratungsdienste anbieten und Assurance-Dienste rund um die wichtigsten Risiken für die Organisation übernehmen. Hohe Relevanz für die Interne Revisionsfunktion haben die Risiken, denen die […]