In terms of the compliance challenges that will be central to financial institution compliance officers in 2022, evidence shows that they will play a key role in addressing risk. A new report, „Compliance Priorities for 2022 in the Financial Services Industry,“ from Protiviti identified several compliance priorities. These fall into three categories: the broader risk […]
Schlagwort: Risk
Top Risks for 2022
Through a recent survey of C-level executives and directors worldwide, Protiviti identified 10 top risks for 2022. The top three are presented below. The risk in third place relates to pandemic-influenced market conditions. Especially due to new variants there is uncertainty at this point. Rank two of the major risks relates to the succession problem […]
The key findings of OnRisk 2022
We wish you a happy new year! A new article in Internal Auditor magazine summarizes the key findings of the OnRisk Report for 2022. The report surveyed 30 board members, 30 C-suite executives and 30 chief audit executives from 90 different North American companies. It shows that this year risks are being prioritized that have […]
Key Risks
An overview of the most significant risks to businesses is provided in the new edition of Tone at the Top, „OnRisk 2022: Timely Insights on Key Risks.“ It discusses a total of 12 risks and identifies obstacles to managing them. Essential to this is the role of risk management. Has your interest been piqued? You […]
Risk Management – from stabilization to transformation
A survey of 120 risk executives from around the world conducted by EY shows that risk teams are still struggling to turn risks into opportunities and manage emerging threats. In comparison, CEOs‘ priorities are increasingly shifting from a survival and stabilization mode back to growth and transformation. To support these growth plans in the future, […]
Facets of Procurement Fraud
A new article from „Internal Auditor“ addresses the various facets of procurement fraud. Internal auditors who are aware of these signs can help identify vulnerabilities. Procurement is a significant function of business, and internal auditors are responsible for immediately identifying and reporting fraud and ultimately making recommendations to strengthen internal controls. To do this, auditors […]
Risk in Focus 2022 – Hot topics for internal auditors
The world has changed. Internal audit must change too. Organisations and their internal audit functions face a dizzying pace of change and unprecedented uncertainty. The pandemic has destabilised operations and labour, disrupted supply and demand, and undermined previously sound business models to an extent few would have thought possible. Internal audit must understand this change […]
Coso Framework to help implement and scale Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) changes business strategies, solutions and processes. Not to be neglected at this point are the risks that can come with AI. To create integrated governance for AI, manage risks, and improve performance, applying enterprise risk management (ERM) principles can be purposeful. The COSO ERM Framework provides an overarching and comprehensive framework that […]
Organizational cyber maturity
A major issue for companies worldwide is cybersecurity. In a new study, McKinsey assesses the cybersecurity maturity of more than 100 companies and institutions from various industries. It shows that some companies in banking and healthcare are quite advanced, but most companies still have a high need to protect their data from threats and attacks. The […]
Deloitte Cyber Security Report 2021
Cyber security is a key issue in the age of digitalization. For this reason, Deloitte conducted a trend study together with the Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Research. The aim of the Deloitte Cyber Security Report 2021 is to survey players from politics and business and to compare their positions. One result is, for example, […]
Build Resilience to Cyber Risks.
According to a global IT risk and compliance survey 2021 conducted by IT provider MetricStream among global security and risk experts, IT security and compliance are the top technology investment priorities this year. When asked about their plans, 38 percent of respondents said they would increase their IT risk management spending this year. However, the […]
The risky six
How and why do boards get a distorted picture of their organisations‘ ability to protect themselves against cyber-related risks? This is the question addressed in the report „The Risky Six: Key questions to expose gaps in board understanding of organisational cyber resiliency“ by IIA and EY. They identified a total of 6 key questions which, […]
Moving Internal Audit Deeper Into the Digital Age: Part 2
To gain an insight into where various internal audit organizations stand in relation to audit automation and cognitive technologies, the Internal Audit Foundation and Deloitte conducted a survey of IIA members. Based on responses from internal audit leaders across a wide range of organizations, key findings reveal where many organizations are making progress and where […]
Key issues being discussed in the boardroom and C-suite
Companies have to deal with various challenges. These include the ubiquitous Corona pandemic, growing social unrest, new technologies, digitalization innovations, and new strategies and business models. The multitude of issues and the complexity associated with them does not make it any easier for companies. Protiviti’s new report presents the top risks currently facing boards and […]
The shape of AI governance to come
To better deal with the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, companies are using technology. For example, companies are using AI both within a company and to interact with consumers. A key determinant of the successful use of AI is trust in the technology. According to KPMG, trust is based on a total of four pillars: Integrity, […]
Dynamisches Risikomanagement für unsichere Zeiten
Unternehmen unterstehen einem starken Druck verschiedener Einflüsse. Zum einen hat die digitale Revolution die Verfügbarkeit von Daten, den Grad der Konnektivität und die Entscheidungsgeschwindigkeit erhöht. Des Weiteren müssen sich Unternehmen mit dem wandelnden Klima auseinandersetzten und auch die Erwartungen der Stakeholder an das Unternehmensverhalten sind höher denn je. So erwarten z.B. die Verbraucher, dass Unternehmen in sozialen […]
PWC-Umfrage: Digital Trust Insights 2021
COVID-19 hat die Digitalisierung beschleunigt und folglich auch die Angriffsfläche für Cyberattacken erweitert. Die PWC-Ausgabe „Digital Trust Insights 2021“, bei der weltweit über 3.000 Führungskräfte aus Wirtschaft und Technologie zum Thema Cyber Security befragt wurden, zeigt, dass mehr als die Hälfte der Befragten Angriffe auf Cloud-Dienste und Randsomware-Angriffe für sehr wahrscheinlich halten und auch mit […]
Risk & Compliance – Neue Ausgabe (April-Juni) veröffentlicht
Die dreißigste Online-Ausgabe des Risk & Compliance Magazins (April-Juni) stellt u. a. Features zum Risikomanagement innerhalb der Lieferkette und zum NIST Cybersecurity Framework vor. Weiterhin befasst sich die Ausgabe mit folgenden Themen: Schulung und Bewusstsein für Ethik und Compliance Aktionärsaktivismus in Kanada Herausforderungen des General Counsel bei der Navigation durch die Proxy-Saison Automatisierung bei der […]
Risk or no risk?
Revisoren and Stakeholders bewerten die Top 11 Risiken! Vor dem Hintergrund von Unternehmensskandalen sehen sich Vorstände und Prüfungsausschüsse auf der ganzen Welt einem zunehmenden Leistungsdruck und der Notwendigkeit zur Absicherung aller relevanten Risiken ausgesetzt. Der neue Risikobericht des IIA deckt hierzu eine breite Palette von Themen ab, die für den Berufsstand von höchster Relevanz sind. […]