COSO has published additional guidance on how to attain efficient „Internal Control Over Sustainability Reporting“ (ICSR)

COSO has released additional guidance „Achieving Effective Internal Control of Sustainability Reporting“ using the globally recognized COSO Internal Control-Integrated Framework as its basis. The guidance includes references to the role of internal audit function in sustainability reporting and key themes to consider while establishing and maintaining an effective system of internal control over sustainable business […]

CxO Sustainability Survey 2022

The concern of executives about the state of the world’s climate has increased in recent months. But optimism that immediate action can make a difference has also increased. This is shown by Deloitte’s new CxO Sustainability Survey 2022. The survey polled a total of more than 2,000 C-level executives in 21 countries. The focus of the […]

A practical guide on sustainability

With societal expectations increasingly permeating corporate governance, companies‘ business models must evolve to deliver sustainable value creation that benefits not only shareholders but also internal and external stakeholders and society at large. In this context, ecoDa and Mazars have jointly published a practical guide to help board members and leadership teams navigate their company’s sustainability […]

Der Aufstieg des „Chief Sustainability Officers“

Veränderungen: nicht nur hinsichtlich des Klimas, sondern zunehmend auch in der Wirtschaft. Um die Gesellschaft, in der Unternehmen heutzutage tätig sind zu unterstützen, müssen Unternehmen sich dringend verändern – so ist es heutzutage nicht mehr nur vornehmlich der Shareholder Value, der alle Konzentration und Bemühungen ballt, sondern Veränderungen, Tribute, die die Welt selbst, technologische, demografische […]